Region: Of the three non-volcanic regions, Huehuetenango is the highest and driest coffee producing region. Thanks to the dry, hot winds that blow into the mountains from Mexico’s Tehuantepec plain, the region is protected from frost, allowing Highland Huehue to be cultivated up to 6,500 feet (2,000 meters). These high altitudes and relatively predictable climate make for exceptional specialty coffee. The extreme remoteness of Huehuetenango virtually requires all producers to process their own coffee. Fortunately, the region has an almost infinite number of rivers and streams, so a mill can be placed almost anywhere.
Source: Mercanta
Farm: Francisco is a first generation coffee producer who lives with his wife and young kids. For many years he dreamed of being a coffee farmer, but due to economic hardship he had to leave Huehuetenango to find work as a migrant laborer in Mexico. He saved up enough money to finally buy a small parcel of land back in 2010. He bought the land in two parts and he now produces high quality coffee.
The farm name, Tzun Witz, is a word in the Popti Mayan language referring to the summit of a mountain. The farm is located on the outskirts of one of the largest mountain ranges in Huehue.